          《中英對照讀新聞》Business, beware! High turnover ahead 企業界,小心了!跳槽風潮即將來臨 《中英對照讀新聞》Business, beware! High turnover ahead 企業界,小心了!跳槽風潮即將來臨 One in five workers is actively seek 買屋ing a new job, and a majority are keeping an eye out for something better if the economy continues to improve, new research shows, fueling what experts sa 吳哥窟y is a sweeping tide of turnover ahead for U.S. businesses. 新研究顯示,倘若經濟持續改善,5分之1的上班族早已開始積極尋覓新職,而且大多數都想找更好的工作,帶動專家所謂美 褐藻醣膠國企業界即將面臨的大規模員工流動潮。 "That’s really a wake-up call for employers," said Stuart Itkin, chief marketing officer at Kronos Inc., workforce consultants which commissioned 訂做禮服the "Working in America: What Employees Want" survey released recently. 「這對雇主而言真是一記警告,」勞動力顧問公司克羅諾斯公司首席行銷長史都華.伊特金說。該公司委託製作這份最近對外公佈的調查「美國勞動 酒店兼職現況:員工要什麼」。 "We’re seeing a workforce that by and large continues to be discontent, that more often than not feels undervalued, underappreciated and undercompensated," he said. To workers who are looking ar 租房子ound for new opportunities, he said, "the grass is looking a lot greener." 他說:「一般來說,目前勞工對勞動狀況持續不滿意,多半覺得自己沒受到應有的重視、不受重用也未獲應有報償。」他說,對於那些四處尋找新(工作)機會的上班族來說,「總 濾桶覺得可以找到更好的工作機會。」 新聞辭典 keep an eye out for:片語,留意,密切注意(某人或某事物);keep an eye on,看顧一下。例句:Could you please keep an eye on my dog while I’m away?(我離開時,可以幫我看顧一下我的狗嗎?) more often than n 設計裝潢ot:片語,多半。例句:More often than not, you can find my sister at the nearby coffee shop every afternoon.(每天下午多半都能在附近那家咖啡店找到我姊姊。) the grass is looking a lot greener:字面意為「青草看來更綠了」,在文中引申為「總覺得會有更好的工作機會」 seo。此源自英文諺語︰The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.(鄰家圍欄另一邊的青草總是比較綠。)引申為不知足,總覺得別人的比較好。 自由電子報 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 襯衫  .

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